The Value and Purpose of Community

We are launching a new campaign in The Healing Garden today. We are diving deep into The Value and Purpose of Community. Most people do not know what a Community and Network can do for them, and how much it effects their Mindset and Mental Health. Community Health is 1/3rd of everyone’s Mental Health. Community … Continue reading >The Value and Purpose of Community

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The Narcissist Law

Narcissists wear masks. “This is for your own good.” Narcissists ATTACK YOUR RESPONSIBILTY. They go right for “the kill.” Narcissists avoid Vulnerability AT ALL COSTS. Narcissists COMPROMISE, Manipiulate, and Attack the Equal Footing to always have the Upper Hand Narcissists are kind over-givers with BIG promises… that never deliver… BUT… they will “bread crumb” you … Continue reading >The Narcissist Law

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The “May” Mindset

I always wanted to be so removed from “Society” and “Time” that the passing of the months went unnoticed by me. Today, was my first success. I woke this morning, thinking it was April. I stopped tracking the days 27 days ago. Today, I opened an email and someone invited me to a Trivia Night … Continue reading >The “May” Mindset

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Conversations with the Universe

“Use me,” I say and look to the Universe. I understand now. I understand it all now. No one has seen what I have seen. No one has lived through what I have endured. No one even comes close and makes it out alive. I was raped on 9/11. The first tower fell. I spent … Continue reading >Conversations with the Universe

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