Oh, my god! Why is this so hard for me!?
I need a place to make Public Announcements, and I guess this is my Spot. I’ve tried this in many other places… and it hasn’t “stuck yet.”
We’ll try this.
I feel like I’ve been trying to solve YOUR problem for YOU when I need to just ask you… what do YOU want? That would be great to know!
(That Adult Playroom is TOTALLY going in Anna’s Playground)
Alright! So here is the plan! I need DATA! Use this form to tell me everything you HATE about Business Notifications. And everything you LOVE about Business Notifications!
And then, if you have an idea on how best to be Notified, let us know and we’ll be all over that!
I think I need an App! “The Camelot Announcement and Discussion” App… Oooh! I like that! Thoughts!?!