A Day In The Life Of An Ashavana

“Protect who is behind you, and respect who is beside you…”

But I read it wrong. I read “Protect who is Beside you, and Respect who is Behind you.” And then… just then… I saw the Truth.

I saw it all.

Manners are for those behind at the disadvantage to you, to protect those who are behind you from you.

I sat down and accepted the Knowledge into me.

I wanted to cry. This was the answer I was looking for.

Today is a Philosopher Day. I’m using Journals to welcome you into my world. I’m supposed to unveil my world to you. And show you what it takes…

It’s sitting in silence, every day, — I sit in 8 to 14 hours every day in silence during my “Cave Days.” I have a rotation. I ask questions to the Self that the Universe leads me toward. Always my Fears, my Insecurities, my Trials.

“What do I Fear the Most?”

I ask this question every day. And I find it and step right into it. I step into the Fear and I allow it to envelope me. It encompassess and I cry. I face my Demon and I know — because I know all Truth from Lie — that this Demon brings me a Lie. “Show me the Truth,” I command of it, knowing my Commands are Manifestations and it does.

Zarathustra said, “The Divine and those of Power cannot interfere with the Trials of Good and Evil.” I knew — after I passed the Test — that this included me. You all have to pass The Test all on your Own. I can play the Sage, but I cannot interfere.

This… This is why I must go silent. I am allowed to write. I am allowed only my words in writing… I am allowed to teach. I am not at all allowed to interfere. I cannot. Because then you will not have learned nor will you have gained the Empowerment and Independence and Freedom that belongs to you.

Helping others enslaves them.

The Demon strips its mask and I see my True Fear. Fear of being Alone. Fear of Abandonment. Fear of Isolation. Fear of not being able to Share with Others. I wish to Bond and Share with one Person… This is my only Desire. He doesn’t believe he is worthy of me… so he is gone.

I’ve been terrified of this Journey I am on. Of this Mission of I have. Of my Spirituality. Of losing my Credibility. Of being Killed.

My Mission is to restore the Lost Knowledge and Wisdom to the world. It’s to come to you all in time. But you have to find it on your own. So I can leave my work here for you and just… I know you’ll find it in the exact and precise moment for you.

Everything revolves around the Philosopher’s Compass. It is so integrated into me now that I don’t think consciously about it anymore. But it is always there, still.

Manners are always to be used on those Less than ourselves, at a disadvantage to ourselves, this way, we protect all others from our Selves.

I’ll be training myself in this on a regular basis from now on. The 8th Ethic learning to graduate you to the 9th in the 5th Round of 12.

I’m never going to stop writing.

I know, if 40 years and in 60 and 80… I am going to have… So many books… So many courses… It just won’t stop. Every post and page and course I write is a stepping stone. I See… another… Website.

After I step into the Fear and I find the Truth, I give it Name. The Naming is the Power restored to you. That is when your Logic is restored, your Story is Mended, and your Comprehension reached.

Then you see the Truth, the Path, the Solution, and what you must do.

Then you grieve or you receive relief.

But Grief is always caused by a Blocked or a Closed Mind that fails to see Solution. So you sit with the Grief and you Accept it. This always opens the Door of Opportunity, which takes me about a day. Less than that. I allow the Grief to pulverize my heart. I cry and accept.

The next morning, I have clarity and the Solution.

I rest and then the next day, I start again.

I do this every day.

I dance in the afternoons and evenings. I sing and practice Theater and Stage. I Compose Music, Paint, and Draw. And then I write. I write more than anything. If I require it — as I require it — I study Physics, Math, Chemistry, and Biology.

I work on the “Academic Discipline Cooking” and I follow where The Intuition calls to me.

I meditate, I go into the Abstract, and follow wherever the Abstract calls to me. I’ve been to the End, I’ve been to the Beginning. I’ve been through the Logical Code of the Universe. I’ve studied the Universal Clock. I have more of that to Study. And I work on Philology.

This is my day.

I scroll through Social Media and observe the News and the Comments, taking a Temperature of the People and Societal. Assessing and weighing in their position relative to The Universal Clock. You all are moving right on schedule.

And I look for certain clues to release certain data through the Courses or my books.

And then I’m back to writing again.

It really is a lot actually, now that I think about it. Being an Ashavana is a 24/7 position. I am called to work every night around 2 to 4 AM.

My “Sleep” stopped being “Sleep” about 8 months ago. I don’t actually Sleep anymore. This… this is… something different.

As I fall asleep I ask Questions I wish to Manifest that night. I consult with my Identity who communicates with me her Fears and Desires (REM Sleep). That data is then passed over to Logic and written via my Logical Code, projected into Visions and Manifestations that the Subconscious Mind puts out there (Lucid Dreaming). Then I speak to the Universe as her Student. She answers all of my Questions and Manifestations that I asked as I fell asleep and she shows me everything.

I gain new comprehension and then I get up, and I write it all down. I go back to bed and sleep — this is actually the only time I really “sleep” — and almost always have another REM Dream. I wake up again between sleep and awake and am taken into another Conversation with Mother Nature where I am her student and she shows me… everything.

I am Consciously Aware for all of this and have been for 8 months now.

I’m supposed to be Defining my Life as an Ashavana and “Settling down.” But I haven’t fully defined my life. Until now, this very moment, I haven’t even been able to ask the Question and give it Voice. Which means, she is finally allowing me access to this part of my Subconscious Mind.

I cannot Manifest the Question “What kind of a Life should an Ashavana Live?”

“Well,” she asks me.” What do you want it to be?”

I think about Wisdom and I desire the Wisest of Knowledge and information to answer.

“What should my life be?”

  • Play with the Arts
  • Think with Mother Nature — I just read a post today that “The Holy Spirit” is Mother Nature… Yup.
  • Write and Build through Written and Spoken Word
  • Build the Stepping Stones for others. Just build the Stepping Stones.
  • Shine the Light from the Beacon… My Lighthouse.
  • Be Authentic
  • Set an Example

I do believe that is it!

And I want to travel the world. I want to live in Norway, Ireland, and Greece.

You know… That’s all I want.

To write my Stepping Stones for you. To keep the Beacon Lit.

To set the Example for others and embrace Authenticity.

In simplicity, there really is Truth.