There is no Archeological Evidence at all that King Solomon ever existed.
Aside from the Bible, which was written in the 1st Century BCE by the Roman Empire, there is no reference of him anywhere.
However, his Wisdom aligns 100% to Zoroaster, which we know was passed on to Pythagoras, which was passed on to Plato, which was passed on to me.
What I call “Solomon’s Wisdom” is the Knowledge that is matched and Aligned to The 12 Ethics, which contains All Wisdom.
The Following Individuals align to this Wisdom and Knowledge in Word, Practice, and Behavior:
- Joshua The Christ
- Pythagoras
- Aristotle
- Euclid
- The Buddha (Siddhartha)
- Zoroaster (Zarathustra)
- The Prophet Muhammad
- Confucius
- King Solomon
- Smerdis
- Plato
- Socrates
- Newton
- DaVinci
- Cervantes
- Shakespeare
- Victor Hugo
- Lewis Caroll
- Arthur C. Clarke
- Cyrus The Great (Cyrus II)
- Daniel from The Book of Daniel
As I discover more, I will add their name to this list. They all have Common Denominators.
I have more than enough data to go on to locate The Truth Seers.
They all have One Common Denominator, the Constant of The True Origin :
The Ancient Religion of Mesopotamia of Eanna (Ishtar) and Anu (Assur) and the Annunaki.
King Solomon
If King Solomon had all the Wisdom and Knowledge of The World and it was gifted to him directly from The Gods/God/Satan… Then… What happened to that Knowledge?
This is the Story of how King Solomon’s Knowledge was stolen, hidden, taken, and fell into Secrecy.
I believe that King Solomon – in asking – Manifested Wisdom. I did the same thing and it came to me. When you Manifest this Wisdom with Pure Honor and Ethic, it is gifted to you. I was 4 years old when I did this.
I believe this is what it meant when “Solomon asked for Wisdom.” I believe “Asha” is who gave Solomon that Wisdom. Asha = Wisdom
Asha vs. Marduk
1 Kings 4:1 KJV
“So king of Solomon was king over all Israel.”
1 Kings 4:29 KJV
“And God gave Solomon wisdom.”
1 Kings 4:34 KJV
“And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all the kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.
1 Kings 8:6 KJV
“And the priests brought in the Ark” They describe it here and it reminds me very much of the Persian Artwork that we saw with Cyrus and Darius. “Angels” are the wings in Mesopotamia Culture.
“Angels” and Cherubs belong to Mesopotamia culture. Which already had influence in Egypt after they left they worshiped The Golden Calf. Hence… Hinduism and the Cow. Taurus.
This is all about Taurus. The Minoan and Mesopotamia. The Bull.
1 Kings 8:35 KJV
“Sinned against thee”
“Sin” = Moon
Sinned against thee is “Turned to the Moon (Sin), which is Asha’s and Mesopotamia’s Religion, which Marduk destroyed.
1 Kings 8:63 KJV
And the Sacrifices in the Bible was the Burning of The Gods and Sacred Animals of other religions as acts of great disrespect and hatred to show “Reverence and Loyalty” to the Abrahamic God” who’s True Name is Marduk.
1 Kings 9:22 KJV
“But the Children of Israel did Solomon make no bondmen : For they were men of war.”
1 Kings 10:1 KJV
Queen of Sheba comes to Solomon to test his Wisdom.
1 Kings 10:20 KJV
A throne of 6 steps with 12 Lions. The 12 Ethics.
1 Kings 10:24 KJV
“And all the earth sought to Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.”
1 Kings 11:1 KJV
And at the height of Solomon’s wisdom, he loved many women. He turned to Polyamory.
1 Kings 11:5 KJV
“For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the Goddess of the Zidonians and Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites”
We begin with the Lineage, which is well documented.
King Solomon (1000 BCE)