When I first wrote this, I kept it a secret. After a few days, I knew I couldn’t. What I reveal here is historical, proven fact. I just connect the dots and accumulate it into one place.
You read through it. You decide. Where I draw my own conclusions — and they are my own conclusions — I give my conclusions and I say so. Where I find proven fact, I reference my sources and provide you with the data so you can research and conclude on your own.
I began drawing these connections September 2024. It is a tool for you to use as you need to help you sort out the Lies from Truth.
This is designed to go with The 2,000 War On Education, which I recommend you read first.
This begins with the History, which is the Foundation of what is to come in Triadic Healing Part #6…
The information in this Document, until it is ready, is dangerous to release.
This Document is the Archeological Work of Anna Imagination that tracks The Truth Code and the distorted Lie Code back to King Solomon, Zoroaster, and Pythagoras, and dives deeper into what actually did take place between 1000 BCE and Persia, which is called Iran today.
The Hostilities in that region is a “hot spot” because, I believe the oldest Lie was told there. I believe the Origin of The Lie is there. Which leaves me to ask, “What is the Truth.”
I use Linguistics, Etymology, Logic, and PROVEN historical Facts merged with Common Denominators of other Legends, Myths, and Stories to try and locate the Truth.
Fact : History is written by the Victors.
4th CE Rome and Jews and Christians were the Victors
7th CE Islam were the Victors
18th CE US was the Victors
Every time we read a book by The Victors, we must keep the Perspective, “Am I reading the Words of the Enemy?” The Enemy’s Words will always tell Lies. Remember this as you remember.
This is the Story of two Twins, both who say, “I am Light and Truth!” One is Lying. One is telling the Truth.
The question you need to ask is “Who is The Liar?”
The Truth Formula is :
[Feeling + Behavior] : Words = Their True Name
The Lie Formula is :
Given Name + Words > [Feeling + Behavior]