Course Content
The Academic Disciplines : How To Be A Student And A Teacher
About Lesson

Society has three Parts to it : 

The Societal Sequence, The Academic Disciplines, and You.

Before I begin, you must understand that whatever YOU want to do — No matter WHERE you want to go — the Disciplines and the Societal Sequence will provide you with a Place to welcome you. 

But YOU have to decide what YOU want to do. Now you may not know what you want to do UNTIL you complete your Journey, which is okay. All you need is the RIGHT Education to get these answers and that is what The Healing Garden is designed to do for you. 

“I need to make money” and “Society only has X Roles to fill” is false thinking.

Our Pay-It-Forward Loan Program nourishes you FIRST. Don’t limit yourself to Resource Scarcity. 

Second, Societal is grown and shapes around THE PEOPLE. And you are The People. So no matter what WEIRD and AMAZING thing you want to become, the world will accept you and Societal will move to fit YOU. 

Never the other way around. 

You need to know if you are an Ant, a Grasshopper, or a Storyteller. And you may be all three. 

Do you want to work? Do you want to play? So you want to use Communications to bridge the gap for others? Do you want to do all three? 

If you are a Grasshopper, then you must Play and bring delight and joy to others with your Play. 

If you are an Ant, maybe you are a builder, a Worker, a Gardener, or a Cook.

If you are a Storyteller, you may be a Philosopher, a Teacher, a Cultivator, a Coach, or a Sage. Maybe Wisdom and Knowledge is your True Vocation. 

Maybe you are a Pioneer and a Visionary — a Scientist who explores the Unknown. 

Maybe you are a Cultivator who does Societal Nourishment Work like what Alexandria and The Alma Mater does with The Healing Garden. 

Whatever you Dream, you must do, for you are, and your Mental Health will suffer if you don’t Become. 

Our Mission is to empower you to become. 


The Societal Sequence is VAST. And, most likely, no one can teach it all to you. It is something you will have to explore on your own. 

The Healing Garden does what we can to show you “The Big Picture” of what the Societal Sequence is. 

We have a Game underway so you can “play” a Mock Up of The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self, so you can better see how The Societal Sequence moves and where inside of it, you want to be. 

The more you learn, the more you “unlock” your own Levels of Understanding so you can expand on what you are and open more Doors of Joy for you. Yes, Doors of Joy. This is in the Game.

How far do you want to go? How far do you want to go? When you are done, how much of the World View do you want to See? 

The World View is GRAND. Most people never even know about it, let alone never come to see it. But those of us who BURN with the need to see The World View… we are not happy until we have achieved it. 

Are you someone who desires and pursues The World View? Then, The Healing Garden was made and built just for you.

All my life I felt The World View. I had such a strong pull toward her. I needed her. I chased her and pursued… having no idea what this was or where I needed to go. I just listened and followed. 

Mother Nature knew how to lead me to what called me. And I knew how to Listen and Trust her. 

And now I can tell you, if you feel the Desire to Behold and Know The World View, then keep learning. What you need and Desire is the position in the World to Dream and Do and make things happen to Nourish the World. 

You just might be a World Nourisher. And if you are this, then you have a lot of learning to do. Master the Ethics. Consider becoming a Ashavana. You will require becoming a Master of All the Disciplines. It is a Life-Long Journey and it becomes you. 

At The Healing Garden, we train you and take you under our wing to train you how to become A World Nourisher.

Every role in Society is vital and they must be balanced. Once we have a surplus of one and a deficit of another, the entire balance is lost and Society falls. 

Every single one of us, we have our Desires and our Wants for a purpose. To pursue them. Because they tell us how we are to fit in the Societal Sequence. 

Ignoring your Dreams and Desires is what upsets the Societal Balance.