The Disciplines all are interconnected, but also, each one is a parent and/or a dependent of the next one in the Sequence, with One Exception : Music.
Music is the first. A child hums before they speak. A child sings before they speak. A child communicates with pitch first.
Music is the Origin and is not a Dependent, which is why Music is the Universal Language. Because Music is the Common Denominator of all.
I have been studying videos on YouTube where professional Performers randomly come together and start compounding their skills into a single, surprise performance and it draws crowds regardless of Language.
This is because Music is the Progression of Story and we are drawn to Story. It is the only language we all can understand just by listening. Even people who cannot hear can (and they do) enjoy music through the Vibrations.
I know of one percussionist for the Met who was deaf and she was a Professional Musician. And we all know about Beethoven.
The Plato’s Point of Music is Progression. It is how a Story unfolds. It is the Story of story before we even have words. It is Progression… which is Growth.
A student can be the Subject of the Music (Listener), The Performer of the Music, or the Author of the Music.
Now, after the student has learned Music, they are ready for Dance, which is Movement or Change — which is why all children, after they sing and bang those pots in the kitchen — they dance.
Change is Integrated with Progression (Story). And the Dancer compounds their lesson of Movement and Change onto Progression and Story.
You now have the Foundation for Art, which is Perspective.
Now you are adding Perspective to Story (Progression) and Movement (Change). And this is just in the first three Disciplines.
Now let’s shift this because there are two Subjects in every Discipline:
The Discipline and The Student (Subject).
“Subject? I thought the Discipline was the Subject?”
In Roman Education, the Self has been removed from the Educational Journey. In Roman Education, where The Self is destroyed, The Discipline is both “Subject and Discipline,” which communicates to the Student, “You are learning for the Discipline. It has nothing to do with you.”
But, in the Ancient Greek Educational System, Learning was a Journey of Self Discovery. In Writing and Grammar, The Subject is what the Sentence is About.
And in Learning, The Subject is what the Learning is About.
In the Roman Educational System, you learn because the Discipline is the Focal Point. “Your Education is not at all about you.”
In the Greek Educational System, you learn because YOU are on a Journey to Discover The Self. You are the Focal Point. Your Education is all about You. Which is Why we study anything.
Also, this is going to change how you think about Learning and how you approach Learning. When we get to Biology and the Science of the Academic Disciplines, this comes together and then you see just how much Mastering a Discipline *is* all about you.
Music has a Story, and the Student has an Written Story. In order to know and write and live your own Story, you have to learn the Sequence of Story to do so.
Look at the Origins of all the Disciplines again.
- Music = Progression
- Music-Dance = Movement (Change)
- Art = Perspective
- Art-Drawing = Outline
- Art-Painting = Layering
- Art-Sculpting = Construction
- Theater and stage = Connection
- Reading and Writing = Articulation
- Linguistics = Translation
- Logic = Comprehension
- Logic-Math = Metric
- Logic-Arithmetic = Quantity
- Logic-Algebra = Simplification
- Logic-Geometry = Shape
- Logic-Calculus = Calculation
- Logic-Trigonometry = Relativity
- Physics = Law
- Chemistry = Interaction
- Biology = Integration
These are the Stages of Story. Studying Music or Logic teaches them all to you, but this knowledge right here? This Course? This is Vitalogical Physics, the 4th Stage of Philosophy, which a Good Teacher will teach you before you begin your Learning Journey (Pilgrimage) so you know what you are looking for when you study so you can learn.
Vitalogical Physics consists of:
- Philosophy = Growth
- Astronomy = Synchronization
- Economics = Regulation
- Parenting = Nourishment
- Teacher = Inheritance
- Ethics = Quality
But you only need Apprentice Level Explanations to begin, which is what this is.
These Disciplines are The Sequence.
- Story (Progression)
- Perspective
- Connection
- Translation
- Comprehension
- Law
These are the first 6 parts of the Sequence. Every Discipline contains these 6 Steps. This is The Sequence.
(1) Scientific Method and (2) The 12 Ethics partner up with the (3) Academic Disciplines : The Three Tools of Learning — Hence “Triadic” Healing and “Triadic” Learning. Without these three Things, you will not be able to Apply the Sequence.
You must Integrate (Biology) the Three Tools and apply it to move (Progression) yourself along your Learning Journey. But if you never studied Music, then you never studied Story or Progression.
If you never studied Dance, then you never learned Movement and Change.
If you never Studied Art, then you — most likely — lack an Open Mind, which is trained into the Artist when they study Perspective.
If you never studied Theater, you most likely do not see how everything is Connected.
And if you never studied Writing, Linguistics, and Logic, you cannot communicate well enough to be understood by others.
And if you did not study Math, then you cannot measure anything to know Fact (Truth) from Fiction (Opinion). And if you did not study Physics, then you do not have the Laws in which we all live by.
The Disciplines must be learned in the Right Order with Scientific Method and The 12 Ethics, Apprentice Levels at least for this to be understood.
Tradesmen are Proficient at this, but they lack depth or understanding. They are Mimics and Parrots, which is why Tradesmen must keep learning.
The Master is not only Proficient, but they Understand to the point of Simplification.
The Philosopher can invent something new.
The Sage returns to the Student and Learns again. A Master Student this time. Dissecting the Disciplines at the 5th Stage of Comprehension. Hence, Wisdom.