And here we are at Logic once again. This is the “Calculus” of Logic. Really, this is Philosophy.
This is where Parenting, Education and Teaching, Power Economics, Sociology, Ethical Law and Natural Order, and Growth are located.
It is the compound Integration of Everything and All, which is run and governed by Logic and Physics and which Math measures.
Every subject that we currently lack in our Society is missing for our Society because no one prior had discovered it for the Academic Discipline of it.
Which is why our Society is crumbling. Because we are missing the Core Disciplines to build and nourish a Society into Prosperity.
One could easily argue that this is the Science of Prosperity or Propagation.
The Science of Engineering and Growth, the Science of Progression and Regression. The Science of Story.
This is where the Philosopher becomes Sage followed by Geni, Magi, and Logi as the Zoroastrians called them.
This is — currently — The Plato’s Point of All Knowledge and Wisdom.
For now.
Theoretical Physics and Theoretical Philosophy have long since been retired here for Math and Applied Physics.
The Master of this Vocation has no tolerance for Theory without any grounding in Physics, for they have learned a long… long time ago that when something is Logically Pure, the Math just shows up, and then the Physics, and then the Chemistry.
And when Biology just shows up, oh… you know you’re right because Mother Nature proves it for you when All the Sciences are on the Same Page.
This is the Science where Truth just Is and all The Sciences reveal themselves.