At 5, 6, 7, and 8 years old, Parents and Teachers must take great care to tell students why Standards and Quality matter. Here is when the 12 Ethics should be introduced.
The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self needs to be introduced.
This is the “Why” we learn that every student is starved for. A person cares when they understand its relativity and relatability to The Self.
We all want to be Good People.
At 5 years old, we haven’t lived to know yet who we are. Learning is the Journey of Self Discovery.
But also, Learning is the “How to Self-Nourish and Grow Yourself.” Every last one of us is born a Life Learner and a Dreamer who wants to be a good person and who has a Genius Level Imagination.
According to Neuroscience, 98% of us are born Geniuses. Parents must take this time to introduce their children to “what your Education is really about.”
It’s about You. You’re building your Life Story. You have to learn how to Navigate it.
You’re planning out your Life. You have to know how to get what you want.
This is the stage where we step out of The Story and become The Storyteller. It’s that moment when Simba was shown the Kingdom by Mufasa. Simba needed “The Big Picture.”
Why don’t we do this for our children?
This is the moment when you take your child and you step them outside of the System. You fly them to the moon and you look down on the Earth and you say, “One day when you are older, all this will be yours. You have your whole life ahead of you. The world is yours on a silver platter. Where do you want to go? What do you want to do?
You may not know now, but the Journey is the Discovery of those Answers. And that is what you seek in Books. Your Answers are hidden inside the Academic Disciplines. You must go find them. You never know where you’ll find yourself until you open a book and learn.
Have your Dream and your Destination, but never forget to savor the Journey of Discovery. For it is the Journey that is the Real Fruit of Life.
So where will you go, little one? What wonders will you discover of Yourself? Who are you? Who is inside of you right now waiting to be found by you? The answer is only found inside those Academic Disciplines.
For those Disciplines are the Science, Art, and Study of Communication. What good is it to find yourself and not be able ever to talk with yourself?
Now on this Journey you will find bad people. You will find good people. You will find all types of People… So here are The 12 Ethics. May they always keep you safe.
And here are your Standards. Set them High for only then will you have a Happy Life.
Do not squander or waste your Resources. Ever. And the most valuable of your resources? Your Time, Your Headspace, and Your Energy. These are the rarest and most precious of your Resources.
Do not allow Bad Teachers ever to teach you for they waste your time, consume your headspace with nonsense and data not relevant to you. And they drain your Energy. Use your Standards to protect yourself from Bad Teachers and Useless Information.
And Discipline your Mind for Self-Discipline and Self-Control are the only Metric that you have to put all you have into applicable and relevant use.”
Read this to your child. Say this to your child. Have your child read this. Tell them this for this is what sets a person out on life following the right path for them.