Human Beings learn Math by doing Art. All young Minds do, is learn Math, Logic, Linguistics, and Problems Solving. And they do this with Art, Play, and Talking.
Where Adults see Art, Toddlers and Children are seeing Math. DO NOT INTERFERE WITH THE ARTS.
To take Art away from the Human Being, is to take “Math In Real Life” away from the child. All Toys for Children teach Logic to your Child so they can Problem Solve later.
This is when we see children sorting things. This is Grouping. It’s part of Categorizing, Labeling, and Organizing for Equation Building later. It is mandatory in finding Common Denominators, defining “Related and Relevant” for Math Equations.
Problem Solving
Those shapes we put into holes. Square into squares and circles into circles. The child is learning Problem Solving.
Sorting “Big to Small”
This is Sequencing. It is how a Human Being learns the Order of Operations. Things fitting into each other, the Cone of Biggest to Smallest, this is learning Chain Reaction Science of Catalyst to Consequence. This is your Child learning Logic.
Color Sorting
The child who sort the candies into the groups of colors. This is Grouping again which is required for Organizing Common Denominators in Logic and Math for Problem Solving.
This allows the child to learn how to use and control their body. It teaches them how to move with Rhythm, which teaches them Pattern recognition.
Notice the word “Cognitive” in “Recognition.”
Speech and Singing
This is Voice control and power of Voice. Praise your child for talking as much as you praise your child for walking, standing, and running. Do not speak babble to your child. Speak full conversations with your child.
One thing that my now 20+ sister does with her 2 year old, which is pure genius is “they talk.” The toddler will babble and the mother will invent stories in response. A game she saw me doing with my cats for years that she is now applying to her daughter.
“Wow! And then what did you do?”
The toddler babbles.
“That is fascinating! And then what happened!”
The toddler babbles.
This encourages the toddler. The mother is animated, much like a theatrical production, and with every round, the toddler talks more and more. This has been going on for months now and the toddler is getting more fluent with her speech and fast.
Dropping Things
This is the child learning that they have an affect on things. That they matter. That their choices affect things and do make a difference. It teaches the child that they are Visible.
Controlling Items
Ripping paper off of crayons? Breaking crayons? This is good! It teaches the child that they can change matter. Vital in Confidence, Self-Esteem, and Self-Authority.
Also, it may be the child deciding to make the crayon more comfortable for their own use.
Chain Reactions
Causing things to fall over. Causing things to move. Throwing things. Pushing things. Dropping things. Almost everything the child does prior to 5 years old is learning their relativity to an object, which is vital in Chain Reaction Science and the child’s Comprehension.
Control and Accountability
“I can have an affect on things!” This is what the child is learning when they throw things on the floor. They are learning that they can be their own Catalyst, which teaches the child Accountability and Responsibility.
Do not pick up the item for the child. Once thrown, the object at rest must stay at rest. This teaches the child Consequence. And when you pick up the “dropped” item, it teaches the child that you will serve them.
Ditch Mozart. Go Broadway Musicals.
The Sound of Music. “Do, Re, Me” is a song that you hear Sequencing. The entire song walks you through Music Theory and Mathematics. I learned more from Sound of Music, which always played in the background on repeat for the first 10 years of my life.
My Fair Lady
This taught me everything I needed to know about Linguistics and Language. It ignited my passion for Speech and Language. It allowed me to hear the progression of Speech from Babble to Articulation.