Perspective Abuse
The suffering an individual endures from other perspectives who force their Perspective Ethics, Priorities, Values, and Expectations onto others. A common example is when a 4th Perspective forces a 1st Perspective to “Act like a man,” when the 1st Perspective is in the process of trying to Internalize the 1st Ethical Perspective, resulting in a 20 year old man who plays video games in their parent’s basement instead of getting a job.
That’s why.
The 6th Perspective who wants to be a Vegetarian and express “Free Spirit.” They value Self-Government above all else, but who are forced to conform to the expectations of Societal Law so they get a job. Often referred to as “The Black Sheep” in the family.
The 5th Perspective who dreams of owning their own business, but instead who is forced to be a “stay-at-home” mother and assume the role of a 2nd Perspective.
Perspective Abuse is the leading cause of all abuse, which results from the Abuser having a Scarcity in Resources. Or so they think, feel, and believe.