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The Theory of Love
About Lesson

21 February 2024


All I can do is offer this to you and say, “Here. Please. Take it. I’m giving it to you. What you choose to do with this is up to you.”


Here is the information on my Triadic Healing. Read it, but choosing to use it and apply it is your choice. If you want the Physics, Geometric and Math Formulas and the Logical Proofs that proves this works, you will find them in the back of this book and throughout along with the Abstracts, which are posted on my website. 


A few things. 


You CAN learn. 

You CAN change. 

You CAN grow. 

It is NOT complex. It is VERY simple. 


“In truth there is simplicity” – Newton


The mind is 100% Logic and Physics. It is predictable. And Mother Nature MUST HAVE BALANCE. She is obsessed with it. The Planet’s Equilibrium is VITAL to Mother Nature. The entire planet, Ecosystem, Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe runs, functions, spins, and operates on BALANCED EQUILIBRIUM. Why the fuck do humans think we are an exception to that? 


Everything is Energy. So says Tesla and Einstein. 


If the Human Being is Energy, then it is only logical to look to the Laws of Energy and Physics for our Comprehension in the Self and the Subconscious Mind. Emotions are Energy, afterall. 


Energy cannot be destroyed or created. It can be stored or transferred. 

Energy has an assigned Frequency (Planck’s Constant). 


Two Contradicting or misaligned Frequencies result in Cognitive Dissonance.

Electric Energy (In our Brains) becomes Chemical Energy (Hormones) becomes Emotional Energy, which gets stored in the Human Subconscious Mind as Surplus Potential Energy. And Potential Energy MUST be transferred into Kinetic Energy. So says Mother Nature and Physics. 


There are Order of Operations required of the components for the Human to have a stable equilibrium. You just have an unstable equilibrium. And it takes Physics to resolve the equilibrium. 


Emotional Pain, Mental Illness, and Emotional Suffering are the result from:

  1. Incompatible Frequency : Contradicting Invasive Frequency is being forced within an Individual’s Self-System
  2. Resistance to Input : Not accepting the incoming Emotional Energy to the Natural Equilibrium of “For Every Action there is an equal and opposite reaction”
  3. Resistance to Output : Failure to transfer the surplus of Stored Potential Emotional Energy over into Kinetic Energy
  4. The Fractured Self. Contradicting Logical Comprehension within the Cognitive Core resulting in a Divided Self or Internal Civil War.

There are three types of Operating Systems : 

  • Avoidance
  • Indulgence
  • Balanced Integration

Learned at the Application and Mastery of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ethic.

Here are the “Instructions” to restore yours and realign balance to your equilibrium. 


Mental Health is just the results and consequences of not having a balanced equilibrium in accordance with Mother Nature, and Mother Nature runs on Logic, Math, and Physics. Which makes Mother Nature and the Subconscious Mind HIGHLY predictable. Because Math, Logic, and Physics are HIGHLY predictable.


The mind is just one big Ripple Effect and Chain Reaction set off by a Single Catalyst that creates multiple Catch-22’s and “logic loops” with “dead ends” from a “Frozen” learning system. This introduction provides the full chain reaction and logic loops with the Solution to resolve your Mental Equilibrium. 

Everything within the Self begins with Choice. Choice is everything. Either we Choose to not choose (“I can’t” and “I don’t know how”) or we choose to choose (“I can” and “I will” or “I will learn how”). When we choose to not choose, when we resist Learning, fear (resulting from not knowing, and feeling no control over one’s own life, fate, Self, existence) sets in. The more we don’t choose, the greater the fear (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction). 


Choosing to not choose creates and reinforces Helplessness and feelings of Powerlessness.

Choosing to not choose results in an equal amount of Fear.


When you choose to choose, fear decreases and Self-Authority increases. 


Self-Authority creates Confidence and High Self-Esteem. 

Hence your low Self-Esteem, lack of Confidence, and high Fear.


Most people choose to not choose because they believe they cannot, or they don’t know how and they choose to not learn. This is where Depression and Self-loathing occurs. Logical Choice and Learning cures Fear. The more you use Logical Choice and Learning, the less you fear. The Unknown is just a lack of predictability. Choice gives our lives predictability that soothes our fears with “knowing” and self-control.

In many cases, people continue to not choose for so long that their surplus of stored Potential Emotional Energy causes them great pain due to the imbalance and contradiction between what they WANT and what they BELIEVE they can/can’t have (Cognitive Dissonance). Not choosing results in stored Potential Emotional Energy not transferred into Kinetic Energy (Action) via Choice. The Surplus Energy results in imbalance, which results in pain due to an imbalance with Natural Law. Mother Nature does not allow for a Surplus of stored Potential Energy. So when the Human does NOT choose to choose, Mother Nature uses Mental Pain and Mental Illness to create an equal and opposite reaction that is required by her Law. 


You need to choose to choose. You need to choose to Learn and Take Action. But, you probably don’t know how or you doubt your “success” rate. But there is a reason and a solution for this. 

Whenever we Take Action and Do, we gain Proof of Concept, which turns the Evidence into Data for our belief system. No action, failure, or consistently not getting what you want results in a belief that you can’t have what you want. 


Wanting and Desire are the Core to Momentum, Motivation, Dreams, Purpose, Desire, Joy, and Happiness. Not getting what we want hurts us so badly that pain, suffering, and Depression occurs. Depression is the pining and grieving of our Wants and Dreams. 


Not getting what we want frequently, results in a lack of Proof of Concept, resulting in “I can’t” and “I don’t know how” and “I don’t know.”


Resulting in a Cognitive Core that is imbalanced with the contradiction “I want” with “I can’t have that.” This contradiction hurts so much that the Subconscious Mind’s Self-Preservation system is triggered.  


Your mind associates “wanting” with pain. So it uses amnesia on you to forget what you want and who you are so you can’t remember, so you have less pain. Which is why your memory is so bad. The more you forget, the more you don’t understand about yourself, the more fear you have, so the more you forget. This results in Avoidance behavior when your Learning System shuts down. As a result, Growth and Change get “Frozen in Time.” and the Human mind stops learning, stops problem solving, and becomes incapable of using “catalysts” for ignited sparks to change, Do, Choose, Learn, Grow. Amnesia and Fear disrupt the Learning System in the Mind, resulting in people believing that they “can’t change” or “they can’t learn.” 

The increased Fear triggers more amnesia and “sieve brain.” 

Now, your Learning System in your mind is “stuck,” which is why “You aren’t learning” or “you can’t change.” 


Hence your frequent “I don’t know.”

Hence your “I don’t change.”

Hence “I can’t” or “I don’t know how.”


Now, here you are with memory loss, depression, a lack of dreams/desires, a frequent “I don’t know” with a lack of proof of concept that you “can’t.” No change, or no changes that “stick.” You hate where you are, but you “don’t know how” and “you can’t.” So you don’t choose because you feel hopeless. 


The discomfort of being “stuck” and the anxiety of not taking action results in addiction, which gives you a chemical dose of what you do want (choice and power and feeling in control) while also preserving your Energy, so your Mind switches over to “addiction mode” to preserve your energy while also keeping you safe. Your Self-Preservation Mode has created a Logic Loop with your Energy-Preservation Mode. 

Your System is now in self-preservation and Energy Saving mode to “sustain” the beliefs that “You can’t” and “You don’t know how.” 

While also being incapable of Learning while it’s stuck in “Avoidance.” 

While you don’t know what you want and you don’t believe that you can. 

And so you get depressed because you are grieving the loss of your dreams and desires. 


Yes. This is the whole of the Human Subconscious Mind. One of Three “operating” Systems. 

This one is yours… The Escape Room. The other is for “Indulgers” stuck in No Man’s Land (That was me). And the other is the Healthy Integrated Balanced (Which is me now).

And yes. It is this simple. 


The Solution to get out of this… 


You need to remove your limiting beliefs with choices. Every time you say or feel “you can’t” or “you don’t know how” there are core Fear-Based beliefs under those that are acting as your Primary Operating Program. You need to change the program. Choose to “Learn and take the Correct action” to stop and prevent your fears. Every time you feel anything : fear, anxiety, despair, you must make a choice to either learn from the situation, take action and do, or find out how and then take action and do. 


You need logical comprehension with If/Then and If/Then/And clauses to do so. No Talking about trauma required (and I am highly against it). It’s a simple “Fear” FlowChart to walk you through your Logical Loop, to uncover the Core Beliefs. Then the opposite and positive “If/Then/And” clause can be put in its place. Exactly like an updated plugin. The brain *is* a computer, which is just Math, Physics, and Logic.

Change those beliefs, and your Subconscious Mind will change your Toxic/Negative Behaviors and restore YOU. You keep everything you love and want about you. You lose everything you hate about you. This will regain your hope, and provide you with Proof of Concept, which will get you excited, you will do the Fear Flow Chart again, altering another limiting belief, you will realize you CAN learn and you DO know how and you WILL choose to choose (learning and action). This gives you proof of concept, gives you self-esteem, gives you confidence, which solidifies your Self-Authority, which all stems for YOUR CHOICE. You WILL start up more productive action. 


More Choices will restore the flow of your Emotional Energy and your equilibrium will regain balance.

  • This WILL end your Catch-22’s and your logic loops. 
  • You WILL gain proof of concept.
  • You WILL stop feeling hopeless and trapped without options. 
  • You WILL make more choices to get what you want. 
  • You WILL want more. 
  • You WILL remember and your “sieve brain” will end and clear up.
  • You WILL feel safe enough to trust yourself.
  • You WILL reactivate your Learning System.
  • You WILL grow and change positively and rapidly.
  • You WILL remember more of what you want.
  • You WILL choose more of what you want. 
  • You WILL keep using Fear as a clue to CHOOSE to Learn.
  • You WILL build up momentum and motivation for your dreams.
  • You WILL feel more in control and empowered.
  • You WILL take more action and make greater choices.
  • You WILL keep choosing and learning and changing
  • You WILL repeat these actions so much that your Subconscious Mind will be restored to full equilibrium.


I just gave you your “Healing Journey” plan.

All you need now are the Fear Flow Chart, which I refer to as “Fear Nevermore,” which is included in this book, and the correct If/Then statements to replace your Logical Fallacies, which are located at the end of this book.

The more Logical a person is, the more Skilled their Subconscious Mind at Logical Proof, Logical Deception, and Logical Fallacy. And believe you me, your Subconscious mind is LOGICAL.  


A lot of people BELIEVE that Mental Health is hard and that it CAN’T be this easy. Placebo Effect. Mass Hysteria. “I think therefore it is.” Stop thinking that the solution is hard. It really is not.


“In truth there is simplicity” – Newton


People who don’t understand things are the ones who make things complex and hard. A lack of education makes things harder. We’ve been looking for the answers of the Self and the Mind in the wrong place. And because the Subconscious Mind is Physics, Psychologists don’t know what they are doing (See my previous argument).


Self-Preservation is only Self-Preservation when the act of Preserving actually serves the purpose of keeping the Self living and functioning without suffering or pain. Your Self-Preservation system is malfunctioning at that job because it is NOT the job of the Subconscious Mind to SELF-PRESERVE. It is the job of the Conscious Awareness to SELF-PRESERVE through choice. True Self-Preservation is done through choosing to become Knowledgeable, gain Information, retrieve full Comprehension, and utilize Application with efficient Execution.

Effective immediately, demote your Subconscious Mind from “Mental Mind Manager and Self-Preservation Assistant” and put your Conscious Awareness in Charge. Your Subconscious Mind is supposed to be working on Logical Checks and Balances within the Cognitive Core to ensure the “prevention” of Invasive Frequencies in the Native Frequency.


And when something better than what you have and what you have been doing comes along, self-preservation sees the value and the reward in the risk, and it takes it. Every time. You are not “special” or unique in your suffering. You have just been incorrectly informed by the Dangerously Ignorant. You are unique and very special in your Identity and in your True Self. Not in your pain and suffering. Which makes your pain and suffering highly logical and highly predictable… and easily fixable with the RIGHT knowledge applied to the RIGHT solution.


Too many people are misled by Dangerously Ignorant people, and given the WRONG information applied to the WRONG solution. And then the sufferer is led to feel that THEY are the problem without ever questioning their trusted resources.