Course Content
The Theory of Love
About Lesson

25 February 2024


Only an author knows how much the author grows while writing a book. Growth is a curse and a blessing for an author. I ran into this problem with Dolor and Shadow. I reached a Milestone of Growth always mid-way through the book so that, with every revision of Dolor and Shadow, Part #2 was always substantially better than Part #1.


This growth forced me to go “back to the beginning” and revise the first part, but that revision work always caused another Milestone of Growth resulting in a substantially better second half of the book. It was annoying.


I repeated this revision process 8 times over 10 year before I was finally satisfied with my writing so that Part #1 was equal to Part #2 in quality. Writing The Theory of Love, faced the same problem. Not with Writing Quality, but with Comprehension. While writing, I felt my ideas change, sharpen, and my comprehension simplify. My research became more fine tuned and I battled the desire to start the book over again. 


Instead, I decided to just “add on,” and, as a result, I wrote the book backwards. The newest and most condensed part of the book occurs first, while my earlier and unrefined work occurs closer to the end and in the order in which I conceived the concepts. 

(Only now, on 15 July 2024, do I understand why).

What resulted was a kind of “Time Portal” that the reader passes through. 


In the Introduction and First Chapters, the AIDNS and Triadic Healing is condensed and simplified into a single sentence:


All of Mental illness is just a metric one can use to determine the strength and weaknesses of two, Out-Of-Phase Signals of Frequency: The Native Frequency vs. The Invasive Frequency of the Self. (February 2024)

All of Mental Illness is just the loss of one’s own Logical Comprehension that points them in the direction of The Truth, which then results in a loss of Self (July 2024).

The Logical Oriented to Truth cannot have Mental Illness.


From there, 3 Distinct “types” of varying degrees of Stages that are measured: 

  1. Resistance to the Natural Frequency
  2. Integration of the Invasive Frequency with the Native Frequency 
  3. Submission to the Invasive Frequency via a Division of the Native Frequency


Here, I composed The Happiness Formula and The Life Vitals. I created Fear Nevermore as a “game” to condition the Subconscious Mind’s RAS to “trigger” positive thoughts from negative ones, thus reversing the polarity of the Emotional Mental Environment from Negative over to Positive. Yeah, that’s right. That’s the kind of stuff you are going to be learning to do here. 


I Integrated this process with The Silva Mind Method to supercharge and enhance this process. All steeped in neuroscience, research and Logical Proof. (January 2024) 


From these 3 Types, 5 “Variants” of Mental Illnesses then occur: 

  1. The Learning System is Frozen (Loss of Motion)
  2. An Undefined Self results
  3. A person’s Diagnostics stops Working
  4. Components of Life Vitals are missing
  5. No Energy due to a Joy Deficit


At this point I Integrated all of the Components I had created into the AIDNS (Abstract Intra-Dimensional Navigational System). (December 2023)


And from those 5 Mental Illnesses, which I refer to as “Behavioral Defenses,” 7 Symptoms result: 

  1. Identity Displacement
  2. Invasive Perspectives
  3. Unbalanced Equilibrium
  4. Time/Growth/Evolution “Freeze” (Past, Present, and Future)
  5. Resistance of Energy Flow and Poor Emotional Navigation
  6. Fractured Self and Civil Divide
  7. Unstable Reality due to a Surplus of Doubt

This is where I had begun building The Philosopher’s Compass, the Map of the Subconscious Mind, The 5-Part Mental System (Formally the 7-Part Mental System), The Emotional Navigational System, The Cognitive Core, and The Self-Care Regimen. (April 2023)


All this is can be summarized with the following Mathematical Formula for Human Behavior :


Beyond this point, the DSM-V and the garbage that is “Psychology” begins as Dangerous Imposters attempt to unravel something they know nothing about: Logic, Math, Physics, and Biology.



The whole of Human Behavior is just a multi-faceted Mathematical Equation made up of Multi-Variable Components that submit to the Laws of Physics, Chemistry, and Geometry. 


You will learn, very quickly, that I hold little and no respect for “Psychologists,” and with substantially good reason.


In short, a good and decent Psychologist is one who has studied Logic, Physics, Economics, Philosophy, Mathematics, Ontology, and Biology of which, none have. And we have the current Mental Illness pandemic as supporting evidence of that fact. If Psychologists knew what they were doing, then the majority of people would be Mentally Healthy. 


My biggest problem with Psychologists is their gross lack of understanding or knowledge on Schizophrenia, which they admit to knowing nothing about. And, after spending $550 Million dollars on research to figure out Schizophrenia, they had to admit that their findings were inconclusive and that they still have no idea what it is or where it comes from.


Oh, but they’ll diagnose it, medicate it, “treat” it, and push it on others in their full admission of ignorance. I call this unethical health and business practices, which is why I strongly disrespect Psychology and Psychologists. Because, in my opinion, they are severely unethical while claiming “expertise” in a profession they know nothing about. How dare they. The worst of them will defend their “profession.” 50% of the people who enter the field of Psychology are so disgusted with the unethical practices, that they quit Psychology.


The evidence of all of these statements is substantial and is posted on my website via credited sources. Or you can google this stuff. It’s common knowledge if you look. It is not hidden. 


I refer to myself as an Ontological Physicist. My own Mind is my Laboratory, and I am Subject 0. Yes! I am a lab rat!


I was diagnosed in 2015 with Multiple Personality Disorder (DID), Bipolar I, C-PTSD (44+ Triggers), Social Anxiety, Chronic Depression, Suicidal Ideation, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Psychological Entrapment.

I also had Disorganized Attachment Style, Stockholm Syndrome, Sex and Relationship Addiction, Codependency, and Vulnerable Narcissist Personality Disorder. I was labeled as “Incurable” and prescribed Lamotrigine and Lexapro. I took these medications from 2015 to 2018.


In May 2023, following a rape, I was evaluated and received a clean bill of health. Despite the rape, during the rape, I was able to protect and preserve my Subconscious Mind. My theory was put to the test and triumphed. Within 10 days, I was perfectly fine and back to normal… because I knew not to let the rapist inside my Head. And I knew to hold tight to my Logical Comprehension and thus, my ability to understand Truth.

By February 2024, I confidently determined for myself that I was fully and completely Psychologically whole, balanced, aligned, and stable. I decided this when my AIDNS received its finally “big” adjustment.    


I started writing this book while in the development of the 7 Symptoms. Since then, 5 of 3, 3 of 1, and then 1 of 1 Components-To-Parent Integrations revealed themselves. The material I wrote was still valid, but it was broken down into components, neglectful of the Integrated Parent that is the Greater Whole. My god, I love math! 


That is when I realized, it would be best if I just “added on at the beginning.” Now, it is my goal to marathon the remainder of this book, hoping that my comprehension will not expand again until after the completion of this novel. Clearly, per the dates provided, I failed at this not one day later. 


This book is for the Science-Minded and the Logical, the Theoretical Learner who must have the Theory, the Science, and the Logical Proof to comprehend their own Ontological Makeup and Internal Physics. 


If you are not familiar with Philosophy, then it is important for you to know that Philosophy > Existentialism > Metaphysics > Ontology > Postmodernism is the Educational pathway I took over 30 years to get to my area of Mastery. I am first and foremost a Logician. Pure and simple. 

I have a very unusual “quirk” about me. From 1995 to 2002 (Aged 15 years old to 21), I was raped as punishment if I was not perfectly and purely logical. This included 9/11, when I was raped while listening to the 2nd Tower fall in real time. This embedded a perfected Logical Intuition and 6th Sense into my Fear System with such a level of Conditioning that, to this day, if something is illogical, I will sense it long before I can Prove it. And Prove it, I always do. I have to. My System is incompatible with illogic. I was made this way.


The trauma, at long last, is long since healed and September 2023 was my first “normal” September I got to experience since 1989. The Logical Radar I have is stronger than ever. 


If you are a Mathematician or a Physicist, I imagine you will delight in the logical comprehension of this book as much as I did when I wrote my Proofs on Internal Physics. 


Along the way, over the 30 years, I studied Physics, Music, Linguistics, Theater and Stage, Writing and Storytelling, History, Geometry, Math, Dimension Theory, and some Chemistry. Neuroscience and the Brain is a huge passion of mine as well as more Physics. My Scientific Method is substantial, and I used Logic integrated with Communications and Translations as well as Philosophy to enhance on the widely accepted Scientific Method used in labs.



Science, Consistency, and simplicity in facts and Proofs are vital to me.  


My greatest realization of the Subconscious Mind that I discovered in my research is that the Human Mind runs on Story Health, Logical Health, and Equilibrium (Per Mother Nature). Community Health would later come to me.

That, more importantly is the Balance and Alignment of our Story Health with our Logical Health. And our Logical Health is 100% dependent on the Physics of the Self : Energy and Frequency.


May you find this information as helpful and useful in your Mental Health Journey as I did in mine.