How To Be Kind : A Simple Course To Kindness (Recovering From Weaponized Humility)
About Lesson

So let’s look at Power closer. 

You have Potential (Stores) Power and you have Kinetic (In Use) Power.

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. 

Power is Energy.

Energy is Emotions. 

Emotional Energy (Transferred from your Hormones, which are Chemical Energy).

So it goes, External Energy Received (Words or Action from External Source) +> Electrical Energy (Nerves and Synapses) +> Chemical Energy (Hormones) +> Emotional Energy (Emotions), which is now Stored up inside of you, Flows right through you (You are the Conduit), or you are Strategically Directing that Energy into something.

Feelings are Force and stay with you no matter what. 

You only have one Feeling. 


But Love is a Dichotomy, which comes from Logic. 

Logic 101

Many people think you can have A or B. 

But in Logic and Physics, we know that this is not True (Matched to Mother Nature’s Law).

What we have is A or Not A. This is Dichotomy. Either you have Love, or you Don’t. The Absence of Love (Growth Force/Creation) is Consumption, or Fear. 

The more Truth you have, the less Fear you have. The more you stand in Love, the less Fear you have. The more Truth you have, the more Love you have. 

Logic is the compass to Truth. 

The 12 Ethics are the Stepping Stones that build the Path to Truth.

Your Fear is in direct ratio to how much Truth you don’t have.