Addiction : Cracked And Unloaded
About Lesson


You have no idea why your Abusers did what they did. You don’t have a clue. You are not, did not, walk in their shoes. 

To be blunt, Abusers are Victims who never learned not to judge. 

So now you have a choice. You can repeat their mistake and become a Victim who judges, turning you into an Abuser… or you can shake your head and accept the fact that what the Abuser did to was LOGICAL. Unethical… but LOGICAL. And there is nothing you can do about why they chose what they chose. 

Because they were uneducated. Because they did not know better. That is why. 

The longer you judge your Abuser, the deeper into Consumption you will fall. The more twisted your Mind becomes. 

Accept this fact. 

Your Abuser deserves Pity for they have never known Love. 

Is it no wonder they abused you? 

How could they not. they are what Lovelessness looks like. Poor things. 

And poor you. But will you become just like them and hold onto your Judgement of them just as they hold onto the judgement of their Abuser? 




Your choice.