Addiction : Cracked And Unloaded
About Lesson

The 6th Ethic. 

Equal Footing. 

This is not about Hierarchy. This is about You following the 12th Ethics. This is about no one being above the 12 Ethics. This is about Mother Nature herself embracing the 12 Ethics. 

This is about all of us being under the Ethical Law and Natural Order of the 12 Ethics. 

In that sense, we are all Equal. And thus, there is no Connection without surrendering the Advantage. There is not Connection without assuming the Disadvantage. 

There is no Connection unless you can be honest about how much or how little you really know. If you cannot evaluate your own Knowledge to determine just how high or how low you do or don’t sit above others, then how can you ever take The Equal Footing that to Humble yourself to Self-Honesty. 

How much do you really know or don’t know? Do you really know more than others? And if not, then why aren’t you Learning? How do you know how little or how much you do know, if you don’t stand on Equal Footing with others?

Do you even know how to assess how little you do or don’t know? 


Knowledge is the True Appraisal of Power.

The Question is, how much Knowledge do you really have… or don’t?

Your Abuser did abuse you from the Advantage. All abuse happens from the Advantage Down. And it is only our acceptance of the Equal Footing that we begin to restore Self-Honesty to See our True Power… which was never taken from us at all.