Stranger Behavior

Strangers require the most Boundaries. They require the most “Discipline” much like a Mother overseeing a Child. And, 99% of the time, the Stranger will not push back.

Strangers are the safest people to confront because it is so rare that they do not know how to handle it, and they “shrink” and submit. Every time.

Very rarely do they.

Confronting Strangers is an excellent way to

1 – Teach them that their behavior is inappropriate.

2 –


More Coming Soon…

Author: Anna Imagination

Anna Imagination is an Ashavana and Societal Solutionist, and is CEO and Owner of The Healing Garden, The University Emporium, and The Alma Mater. She is the Founder of Triadic Healing, Psychological Physics, The Inventor of The AIDNS (The Abstract Intra-Dimensional Navigational System), The Prosthetic Subconscious Mind, The Philosopher's Compass, Power Economics, and Jediology. She is responsible for restoring The Lost Wisdom of Zarathustra.