Welcome to The Healing Journal

In 2015, I began “Exploratory Dialogues” or “Bergen’s Blog” as it is now called, located at angelabchrysler.com. I decided to track 100% of my Healing Journey. What began with Broken, turned into my blogging about my Healing from 2015 – 2020.

In 2021, after my Walkabout, I resumed my Blogging Journey with my Podcast on YouTube (2014 – Present). I also began this Blog, “The Healing Journal.” From 2021 to 2023, I recorded the worst days of my Healing.

In 2023 – 2024, after my Integration in April 2023, I moved on to The Classroom at annaimagination.com.

And, in 2024, I returned to The Healing Journey so that you may have a Guide through yours.

I will be blunt, the things I wrote in my blogs, said in my Podcast… I have great shame. I was hateful, resentful, angry, loathsome, and a downright bitch at times… and this is The Healing Journey.

I argued with myself about deleting it all. To hide my worst of me from the World… But… this is The Raw Ugly truth about Healing. When it is hidden, and then we go through life just as angry and ugly as the next person, we think that how ugly we are is unique to us.

We shame ourselves. We hate ourselves. We think “Oh, my god! I’m so horrible!” No. No. You are Human. And to prove it to you, I decided to leave all of mine up. Exposed. And visible.

I may be Ethical, Confident, Secure, Wise, Elegant, and Awesome now, but I was not always this way. No one was. But most importantly is the realization that, “If someone as Ethical, Confident, Secure, Wise, Elegant, and Awesome as Anna can rise out of the Ugly, the horrible, the unethical, the hateful, resentful, bitter, and anger… well then so can you. So can anybody.”


And that… That is the true message I wish for you to learn from my Blogging Journey. Everyone hides their ugly. I say, Use mine. Make it worth something. I still have a lot to learn. I still have a long way to go. Don’t you dare take my Humanity away from me. I had to learn to love it, look at it, accept it, and love me anyway.

This is what lies before you. This is what I wish for you to learn from me.

Happy Healing. Happy Pilgrimage. You are not alone.