As I write these Courses, I look back to my own Education.
Girls so thin, they are skeletons and bones from Anorexia. A Black Man who was mutilated and publicly displayed to “teach a lesson about racism” during the 1960’s Race Riots, which was then shown to my class to “teach the same lesson.” A color photo of a soldier with a leg blown off after he stepped on a landmine while he waited for the medic to show up. People with skin melted off their bodies after the Hiroshima bomb was dropped. The mutilated back of a Slave on the block at Market.
These were all the things Adults showed me in school at 12 to 14 years old “to teach me a lesson.”
I had night terrors for two years. In fact, it was these Night Terrors that turned me to Psychology. I was desperate for relief and answers to get them to stop.
The soldier with no leg was an accident. That was the newspaper sitting on my history Teacher’s desk. I recognized it, went white, and fought the sensation of passing out. My teacher saw me. “You alright?”
Our ignorance of Ethics and Psychology up to now is an embarrassment.
We were so clueless as to how to Educate, how to address Mental Illness, that the solution Teachers came up with is “Scare the children to death.”
Fear is NOT a teaching tool.
And until that mindset is abandoned, Civilization will not exist.
Plato taught me Ethics. And then Mother Nature. This is how they did it. With this knowledge.
That Course you just read/should read is the exact Logical Sequence I was shown by Mother Nature when I was 12 Years old. People who did Unethical Things… they SUFFERED. They just couldn’t identify their suffering.
I do things so Naturally that I don’t think about it… Until I think about it.
Oh! You don’t know! I just assumed everyone knew this.
Logic is The Teacher.
That is why the Disciplines all end in “-logy.”
Logos is the only Teacher. No one else. Not. One. Person. More.
Logos is The Teacher.
When you discover Logos, you get a Feeling. A very Powerful Feeling. That Feeling is Love and Christmas Morning. Relief. Your Wedding Day.
Logos uses Love with the Reward Centers of our Brain.
In the lab, we are currently asking the Question “Is Logos sentient?” I believe he/she is. Oh. Very much he/she is.
If you are a Teacher, MASTER Logic. Your Teaching skills are equal only to your Logic Skills. Do the Math.
If you want to teach for The University Emporium, you MUST be a Logician of Quantum Logic. Micro Logic may be considered.
“How do we prevent people from doing bad things?”
You teach them about these three things :
- The Importance of Preserving The Integrity of Their Education : Quality
- Ethical Law and Natural Order
- Psychological Physics and The Operating Manual For The Human System and The Subconscious Mind.
And they will Value Ethics and Knowledge.
And when they do bad things, let them sit in the Emotions of how it feels and the Consequences of Karma. No Judgement. No Jury. No Penalty System required.