Sexuality is the Vulnerable Truth of our Dreams where we Connect, Imagine, Fantasize, Build and Create during The Bond.
It is the State of Pure Creation.
I am at the edge of my Research Again… Stage #1 and #2 of Intuition Only.
I need to pause this here as I can go no further — For now.
15 December 2024 Update –> I entered the next stage of this Research and was able to write the Lesson “What is Sexuality? Why Do We Do It?“
Scientists and Ashavana in the Audience : This is a great example of “What a Perspective looks like BEFORE a “Perspective Shift,” and AFTER a “Perspective Shift.”
These lessons were written only 1 week apart from each other. This is the Visible Difference of Reverse Engineering Information right out of The Fulcrum. I wrote the “After” having forgotten that I was here already, one week before.
For Research and Study on The Perspective Differences, I chose to keep both lessons as is.
For the record, both lessons are 100% correct.