Connection is Vital for you to Understand so you can repair all your Fights and Conflicts.
Connection happens “at the Bottom” in Vulnerability, Humility, and Submission.
Think of you both kneeling on the ground vs. Standing.
Kneeling = Vulnerable
Standing = Connected and Stable
When you meet, two people stand and come together. But as you get to know each other, you kneel into Submission as equals.
(This is why we kneel to propose marriage).
Both kneel where they can exchange Vulnerability so we can Connect in our Humble Submission.
It is in our Humble Submission, when we are Open and Vulnerable, that we see how we are The Same and Relatable.
We Accept, or we Reject.
We connect in our Pain, in our Sad, in our Grief, in the Oneness of our Feelings. We are the Same. We connect and thus, Together as One, we rise again.
Now, in a Conflict, the One dissolves and we lose the Connection. We drop back to the Ground, kneeling in Submission.
It is there, In our Vulnerability and our Submission that we finally relate again. We connect. We see ourselves in the other person’s Openness and vulnerable state.
We Relate, We Understand, and thus, we Reconnect.
Only then can we Stand as One to Rebuild again.
Every time a Conflict happens, kneel back into Vulnerable Submission for that is where Connection happens.