An Ashavana Reflecting On Love And Human Sexuality
About Lesson

But, Sexualty is just “The Front.” What Sexuality is really “Masking” is The Intimacy, The Vulnerability, and the World behind The Sexuality. 


Vulnerability and Intimacy is what is the Treasure and Fruit behind Sex that most people are Starved for, seeking, reaching for, and failing to Access.

I will be blunt. 

Vulnerability and Intimacy is The Nourishment of the Soul. And it only occurs when a Healthy and True Connection is made. 

How to Connect is the Knowledge that 98% of People on the Planet lack. 

“Connection” is the “Understanding and Relatability” of two people that Joins to Stories into One so that they can Align and Journey side by side. 

After Relatability, you begin The Stages of Connection and Intimacy that deepen and enrich the Connection. 

This begins a Cycle as follows : 

Vulnerability +> Understanding +> Relatability +> Connect +> “Same” or “Identical” +> Align +> Journey Together +> [Share + Laugh + Nourish + Joy + Growth] +> Vulnerability (This is the stage that the Connection Deepens to the Next Level).

The is a Spiral.

“Bad Times” happen when one or both partners “bail” or “avoid” The Stage of Vulnerability.

The Connection dissolves when BOTH Partners Abandon the Connection at a time when the “Scared” Partner pulls back.

The Stages of Depth are… CHALLENGES.

Bonded Partners — Twin Flames — endure The Ethical Love Trial. It is the “Ultimate Barrier of “Vulnerable” that One Partner (The Runner) must Overcome and the Other Partner (The Chaser) must Endure.

This is when Alignment occurs and the Relationship “Spirals Up and Onward” from then on. It is the Learning That Love does Nourish to Grow. That all your Learned from Love prior was Wrong. 

It is the Learning of True Love to correct and undo all the False Lessons of Love. And either you Pass the Test, or you don’t.