Taking a Break allows you to “Process” this Information.
This means, you are Metabolizing This Information into your Cognitive Core, which is Integrated this Information into your LNA and your DNA/RNA for Processing into your Atoms, then Flesh and Bone.
This information is called Metacognitive Awareness. It increases success by 80%.
It does this by Soothing your Self-Preservation System, which runs on Words, Data, Logic, and Information so it can determine “Danger” from Nourishment.
Teaching without Theory is Toxic and causes the Subconscious Mind to react to Teaching as a Threat.
ESPECIALLY if you do not Trust the Teacher.
The Forbidden Fruit Paradox.
Cry. Get angry. Grieve.
Sleep. Eat food.
The Stages of Grief are very normal here. EMBRACE the Stages of Grief.
Fun Fact : The lass who discovered the 5 Stages of Grief was a Psychiatrist. I adore her work.
She was discredited later because she was a Woman and a man with considerable less competence rewrote her work with “The 7 Stages of Grief.” But his work is flawed, mediocre, and was built on Jealousy. If you see “The 7 Stages of Grief,” disregard that nonsense.
The Stages of Grief ARE The Stages that The Cognitive Core undergoes when it “Froggs” False Data from your Logical Comprehension. When you resist the Stages of Grief, you resist the Undoing of False Data.
“Frogging” is a Knitter’s term, which means “The Unravelling of Knitted Work.” You cannot know Psychological Physics or Logic and not know Knitting, which is why you must Master all Disciplines.
Logic is the Knitting of Comprehension. Logic is Knitting. Comprehension is a Knitted Series of Information and Word.
The Quality of your Knitted Work depends on your Logic Skills.
A Lie or False Data is a Dropped Stitch in your Knitted Comprehension.
Now — if you Knit — You suddenly “get it.”
Your Comprehension is finally unravelling fast and you don’t know how to knit.
That is what you are learning here.
You are learning how to Knit your own Comprehension.