Trauma Deconstruction
About Lesson

Are you Happy? Answer this.

Are you Zen? Are you at Peace? If you don’t know what that feels like, then the answer is NO. You are not. Peace feels like a DEEP Calm like NOTHING could rattle you and your permanent state is Smiling.

Do your Emotions Feel Good? 

If you did not answer “YES!” to all three of those questions then you are fucking things up. You have Lies inside of you. Logical Fallacy. Which means you have a whole lot of Bull Shit standing between YOU and The Truth. 

What you are feeling is actually called Cognitive Dissonance, which is a fancy and redundant term in Psychology that means Harmonic Dissonance. In Physics we call that “Out-Of-Phase” Signals. 

Your Atomic Health runs on a Frequency. FREQUENCY is NOT ENERGY.

Force — Called The Strong Force — is the Love and Happy Feeling inside of you. If you can’t feel it, it’s because your Out-Of-Phase Signals are in your way. This is common. 

Force moves Energy. But if you can’t access Love, then you can’t move your Energy. 

So before we can do anything with you, you need to learn what Energy — Your Emotions — really are and what Love — The Force — really is. 

You need to learn how to move your Emotions with your Force. Now, Out-Of-Phase Signals are caused by only two things : 

Resistance to Energy

Invasive Frequencies (AKA LIES)

Love is made out of Pure Truth. Lies are Anti-Truth. Go figure. So Lies are “Not-Love.” This is the Logic, People.

So Lies and Not-Love are the Same Thing. Physics and Logic says so. 

Also Biology and Chemistry and Atoms, but I’m not getting into that here.  

Now, here is the plan : (Next Lesson)